Visit locations from your favourite movie and television moments
Explore the film world’s best kept secrets, from Corrie’s courtroom to the Shelbys’ stomping ground.
DISCOVER THE DISTRICTJourney through the city’s cinematic past
Relive locally-filmed classics like The Railway Children and discover the pioneering Bradfordians who lead the way in Victorian film technology.
STEP BACK IN TIMEFollow in the footsteps of stars
Take a tour of movie and TV locations from hits featuring actors such as Sir Tom Courtenay and Jim Broadbent.
TAKE A TOURA Global Network
There are a total of 26 UNESCO Cities of Film, which can be found across Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. Bradford was the first, gaining the title in 2009; some of the other cities include Bristol (UK), Qingdao (China), Terassa (Spain), Łódź (Poland) and Yamagata (Japan).